About MST

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Background of MST establishment

Toshin The report published on September 13, 1984 by the Council for Aeronautics and Electronics Technology in accordance with the provisions of Article 46, Paragraph 1 of the Organization Rules of the Science and Technology Agency was prepared at the request of the former Director-General of the Science and Technology Agency in accordance with Article 57, Paragraph 198, dated January 25, 1983, "On the Promotion of Comprehensive Research and Development for the Creation of New Materials Based on Material Design Theory" (Advisory No. 7).
The report states, "It is desirable that the facilities and equipment related to the analysis and evaluation technology be developed so that they can be used intensively both in terms of human resources and equipment, since they require a high level of skill to acquire these technologies, as well as a wide variety of equipment and devices related to the analysis and evaluation technology that need to be used simultaneously or in different ways depending on the purpose".
In parallel with the preparation of the report, discussions were held between the Agency for Science and Technology and those who were preparing for the establishment of the MST to make the important content of the report more concrete.
In other words, the research and development of new materials designed on the basis of theory is important for the creation of new materials in the future, and this was considered essential for analytical evaluation, but at the time, advanced analytical evaluation was not always sufficiently performed.
In order to further promote the research and development of new materials in Japan, it is desirable to establish a third party organization that performs analysis and evaluation based on advanced technology from a fair and neutral standpoint, and the foundation was authorized by the Prime Minister on August 1, 1984 to be established as a public interest corporation to carry out this work.




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